Mahamaya Electronic Devices

Play-experience, 14+

written by Iwan Wyrypajew

directed by: Mykola Mishyn (Romanian), Gennady Vyrypaev (Russian)


50 min


A play-experience with no characters.

The four artists are asking and answering from the stage the fundamental questions on: science, politics, family, drugs, sex, religion...

Both, audience and actors are looking for answers to the questions we ask ourselves day by day.

In fact, none of the questions have the answer. Who are we really?

A new play written by Ivaw Wyrypajew, where the author addresses current subjects about the meaning of life, spiritual development, evolution, compassion, war, sex, ecology.


RO: Catalina Cazacu, Nicoleta Zghibartsa, Mihaela Popescu, Victoria Manciu.

RU: Alina Uncu, Anastasia Nepritskaia, Maria Barsukova, Serghei Blanitsa.



Alexandru P. Rusu, Mykola Mishyn, Gennady Vyrypaev

Assistant Director

Larisa Dascal

Set Designer        Costumes 

Mila Gogenko

Inga Botnariuc

Technical Director

Valentin Munteanu

Sound Designer

Vlad Vascan

Light Designer

Eduard Chiperco

Video projection Composer 

Polina Vasilevska

Jacek Jędrasik


Elvira Râmbu